vendredi 10 décembre 2010


FML (aka “vie de merde”) moment of the day:
        On the train into Guyancourt this morning, we're lining up on the stairs to get out at the St-Quentin-en-Yvelines stop. The train stops short and I face-plant into the butt of the man on the step in front me. Pardon me, sir.


         While playing taboo with a group of students today, a boy draws the card “Baby.” For those of you unfamiliar with this game, you get a word and you have to make your team guess it without saying any of the forbidden (or “taboo”) words listed on the card. 

For example:

Great linguistical exercise. 
So, this boy goes,“If you make love without a condom you’ll have this.” 
He knows the words "condom" and "make love"?!? 

And so does the rest of his group.
“BABY!” They get it on the first try.

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